Initial Disclaimer: I have focused on using open source tools for this blog due to their accessibility and general ease of use. I have purposely not included premium tools like Spiderfoot HX, Nessus, Burp Suite, or others I have used in the past, or more invasive ones like FOCA, NMAP/Zenmap and Dirb, because it’s not […]
I recently attended a virtual conference, for the first time, which was brilliantly organised by The Many Hats Club (#TMHCIsolationCon). There were many great talks and I advise watching as many as you can. All speakers were great, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. One of the speakers, @TheCyberViking, presented his talk called ‘Trill of the Hunt’ […]
This blog explores some of the latest phishing threats currently circulating, including those I have personally encountered and reverse-engineered recently. To me, it was quite clearly a phish, as I’m not with HSBC, however, someone who is may have been easily fooled. The trick the phishermen used here is via a subdomain. Average users […]
Nowadays, the internet can be viewed as the closest thing humans have to a predator and prey food chain where it’s truly a free-for-all. One novel method of threat modelling could be to examine what threats prey face in the animal kingdom. By evaluating what potential predators are out there we can identify vulnerabilities and […]
Introducing a new remote access tool (RAT) I recently discovered: Malpedia link: IOCs in my OTX feed for this threat have been attached here. More info: Florian Roth’s THOR APT Scanner picked it up early on: Windows Forms & System Configuration checks: OZH RAT is a new malware as far as I can tell. I […]