Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dissecting a Mimikatz Campaign

A Brief Analysis of Artifacts Left by a Mimikatz Campaign This short blog examines the remnants left behind by a Mimikatz operator’s campaign, analyzing the key artifacts and their implications. Background While doing to some internet dumpster-diving (as I like to call it) I came across an open directory belonging to a threat actor’s Mimikatz […]

An Analysis of the Growing Darth Maul eCrime Marketplace

Background Active since at least August 2021, a new English-speaking threat actor calling themselves “1977” has developed and advertised a new eCrime market on multiple underground forums called Darth Maul Shop. This blog aims to highlight some of the key aspects of a new emerging eCrime market, analyze its reception by other threat actors, and discuss […]

Brute Ratel Compromised and Circulated in the Cybercriminal Underground

A Brief Overview of the Spread of an Advanced Commercial Penetration Testing Tool Among Cybercriminals This short blog aims to document the spread of a sophisticated commercial penetration testing tool within cybercriminal communities across multiple Russian- and English-speaking underground forums. What? Available since December 2020, Brute Ratel C4 (aka BRC4) is one of the hottest […]

The Persistence of Conti

In February 2022, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the operators of Conti ransomware announced their support of the Russian government. They shortly walked back their support, seemingly after rifts by members of the group. Not long after that, hundreds of thousands of messages from internal chat logs were shared publicly by two accounts on […]

Analyzing Mobile Threats from Russia

Introduction Russian state-sponsored threat groups, including Fancy Bear (APT28), Cozy Bear (APT29), Turla, and Sandworm, are widely recognized for their sophisticated cyber-espionage operations, targeted intrusions, destructive cyber attacks, and disinformation efforts. However, some of their capabilities extend beyond commonly targeted government and critical infrastructure networks and are less well-known. The primary Russian intelligence agencies—GRU, FSB, […]