Following the recent discoveries shared by @MalwareHunterTeam and @LukasStefanko on Twitter, I took a closer look at the ongoing Cerberus Android banking Trojan campaign. It has recently reared its head to target English-speaking users via a fake food delivery app: (Figure 1 – The fake website that drops food-delivery.apk) (Figure 2 – Downloading and granting permissions to the Trojanised […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
“The Lazarus Group, a North Korean state-sponsored hacking organization, is behind some of the most costly cyberattacks in history. Notable incidents include the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, a series of high-profile bank heists attempting to steal over a billion dollars collectively, and the WannaCry ransomware attack, which impacted tens of thousands of systems worldwide.”– Federal […]
Earning the title of ‘most dangerous malware in the world’ is no easy feat, especially given the sheer number of cybercriminals and nation-state threat actors vying for that status. However, it’s not a title that can be flaunted openly; achieving it requires both anonymity and the ability to operate with impunity from one’s home base—or […]
Cryptocurrency is experiencing a huge boom. With this explosion in popularity, and people getting rich quick, come the cybercriminals looking to exploit this new technology. Unfortunately, while there may be a large amount of money to be made from cryptocurrecny there are very little controls or regulations preventing scams. Unlike other centralised financial services, such […]
Information doesn’t need to be secret to hold value. Whether from the blogs we visit, the broadcasts we watch, or the specialized journals we read, there is an endless stream of information that shapes our understanding of the world. The Intelligence Community commonly refers to this type of information as Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).’ The […]